Our partners: Taking it to the next level in Ireland.
Find more about our local clinical partners in the Republic of Ireland.
Empowering rehabilitation for creating the next-generation of digital therapies. By joining forces, we can learn from each other and figure out new ways to solve the societal burden of today and tomorrow.
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National Rehabilitation Hospital
In our mission to provide exceptional care and support, we are proud to partner with Ireland’s National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH), the country’s leading center for tailored rehabilitation services. This partnership is a powerful collaboration aimed at helping individuals facing challenges like Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Paediatric Rehabilitation, and Prosthetics/Orthotics.
At the heart of our partnership is a shared goal: to empower individuals on their journey to recovery and independence. The NRH offers intensive rehabilitation programs that can last up to 12 weeks. These programs are tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient, ensuring personalised care and support every step of the way.
For those with SCI, the NRH provides comprehensive rehabilitation services to improve physical function and mobility. Through therapy sessions and assistive technology, patients learn valuable skills to navigate life with SCI confidently.
Similarly, for individuals with ABI and TBI, the NRH offers specialised programs focusing on cognitive, emotional, and behavioural challenges. Patients receive support to rebuild their lives and reintegrate into their communities. The NRH’s commitment to paediatric rehabilitation is exceptional. Children and adolescents receive personalised care that emphasises play, education, and social interaction to help them reach their full potential. Moreover, the NRH excels in prosthetics and orthotics, providing advanced solutions to restore mobility for those with limb loss or musculoskeletal conditions. Patients benefit from custom devices and ongoing support to enhance their independence.
Our partnership extends beyond clinical care. We collaborate on research, education, and advocacy initiatives to drive innovation and raise awareness about rehabilitation. Together, we are committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and families affected by injury or disability. Our partnership with the NRH is a beacon of hope, offering support, resources, and expertise to empower individuals on their path to recovery and independence.
St Vincent's University Hospital Group
Our partnership with St. Vincent’s Hospital Group, comprising St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Royal Hospital Donnybrook, and St. Columcile’s Hospita, is finalised. Together, we’re dedicated to providing exceptional care, advancing research for stroke management and support across a wide range of neurological conditions.
St. Vincent’s University Hospital is renowned for its excellence in patient care and medical research. Through our partnership, we aim to leverage their expertise to enhance our services and improve outcomes for our patients.
Royal Hospital Donnybrook specializes in long-term care and rehabilitation services. By collaborating with them, we can offer comprehensive care plans that address the diverse needs of our patients, ensuring they receive the support they need to thrive.
St. Columcile’s Hospital plays a vital role in providing acute medical services to our community. Through our partnership, we’re able to extend our reach and ensure that patients receive timely and high-quality care, no matter their medical condition.
Together, our collaboration with St. Vincent’s Hospital Group strengthens our commitment to excellence in healthcare. By pooling our resources and expertise, we can provide comprehensive, compassionate care to all those who need it. We’re excited about the possibilities this partnership holds and look forward to making a positive impact on the health and well-being of our community.