Announcing STROXAR: Our Medical Extended Reality solution.
STROXAR is our first product providing a remote virtual rehabilitation platform in Augmented Reality (AR).
We leverage the neuroplasticity powers of Augmented Reality and AI for digital therapies post-stroke.
Our collaboration with our local and worldwide stroke care specialists in the early stages provides a pivotal advantage to ensure maturation of long term effectiveness into clinical practice and successfully allow us to address the knowledge-practice gap in the care continuum when implementing our solutions.
Rehabilitation anytime, anywhere.
Rehabilitation for adults with stroke improves the immediate and long term functional outcomes as well as increases inde- pendance of patients (irrespective of age, severity, type or recurrence). Rehabilitation should start within the first few days after a stroke and be bespoked to patients’ goals. Acute care stays are getting shorter with the adoption of Early Supported Discharge (ESD) and stroke rehabilitation is increasingly transitioning to the outpatient setting.
People with stroke should avail of >45 minutes of therapy every day. at a frequency that enables them to meet their rehabilitation goals, and as long as they are willing or able to participate while showing measurable benefit from treatments.
Why we care about stroke rehabilitation?
The leading cause of acquired disability in the West, and 2nd in the World. Every year, stroke affects 17 million of people worldwide, and it is estimated that there is around 80 million stroke survivors. In 2016, 5.5 million people died of a stroke.
Developed countries are improving at diagnosing and treating an acute stroke, as well as na- tional campaigns and medical guidelines have been implemented for hyperacute reperfusion treatment and for reduced recurrence through secondary and tertiary intervention. The result is that there is a growing cohort of the population surviving a stroke, however rehabilitation post-stroke remains scarce once patients are discharged home. The implication involves de- terioration in functional outcomes and quality of life, accompanied with higher indirect costs.
In Ireland, stroke affects approximately 10,000 people per year. Patients under 65 years old suffer from inequity to access rehabilitation services nationwide.
European Union
The upswing in the number of survivors along with the long term sequelae of stroke, and the corresponding costs will represent a considerable burden for an already underserved population. While new incidental stroke are on the rise, death rates have a declining trend. Healthcare organisation throughout the European Union are burdened with a significant rise in chronic condition and an ageing population. To this end, rehabilitation services and community care are challenged and outlined an urgent need to find new paradigms in the way healthcare is organised and delivered.
The European silver economy is estimated to reach 6.4 trillion by 2025 and has set out clear directives and funding opportunities to harness the potential of technology as well as data to empower citizens to self-care and facilitate greater access to cross-border healthcare.